Friday, August 27, 2010

Ms. Connection moves to NYC

Dear loyal reader (Ha!),

Please forgive me for not missing any connections since 2005. I was inconvenienced by the fact that Craigslist hasn't quite made it to Bolivia...which is where I was. But now I'm back to the land of the free (and the Big Mac) and ready to accept the challenge that New York City presents...sort of. I will admit, I am intimidated by the volume of Craigslist postings, the size of the city and the scope of the crazy I could run into.

To complicate things further, I don't live along the L line, which would make my misconnected life much easier as evidenced in this Gawker article.

To close I would like to share a finding from my exhaustive research preparing for this new phase of the Ms. Connection blog: Sophie Blackall's by-oo-ti-ful illustrated missed connections.